Saturday, April 18, 2015

Unleash the Creativity

 Calling all my DIY addicts...
I am not a very experienced DIY girl at all..let me make this clear before starting this post!! BUT I do LOVE DIY projects.. Hence this post! ;-) DIY projects mean the most to me because they have meaning behind them..there was thought & love into the creation; I cherish those creations a bit more.
My favorite of them all.. paintings!  I am not an artist but abstracts, I love.. and I love creating something so weird for it to turn into something so beautiful.  I could sit on pinterest for HOURS just searching, pinning, & admiring the beauties of the arts & things I'd love to re-create one day.. With the added time I have on my hands these days...sitting & waiting, it has brought out my inner artsy-self & I'm in my "I wanna paint & create more" esp just to redecorate more at a lower cost. And who doesn't love to paint every once in a while??!! :-)

Making of a Masterpiece::My own to come!::
On the health front, because I know some of you are pretty interested & are inquiring.. I am in a waiting period at the moment.. which BTW is VERY difficult.. to sit around & just wait..wait..wait.. Everyone else who has been in my very position I honestly don't know how you got through this period without killing someone or going insane! It's driving me crazy at times, which is why I am trying my best to stay as busy, active & positive as possible.  My body only lets me be as active as I can, which isn't very much but I am testing those levels every day.  I am in a considerable amount of pain, but I am handling it to the best as I can.  God is with my daily and he is getting me through these tough moments.  Thanking God everyday for giving me my strength to get through the next day & giving thanks for just being Alive, bringing me THIS Far & bringing me the hope that there IS that light at the end of the tunnel that I WILL get to for my everlasting peace of healing & hopeful "cure" to a better life!! Thank you God & everyone around me for their daily support, love & just being you!! <3

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