Thursday, April 2, 2015

Make It Count!!

Make today count!! Make your fitness count, make your nutrition count, make your feelings/emotions count: WHATEVER IT is, make it count; Make it WORTH doing today!
My fit tip for today was to go outside & push yourself just a little further than you typically would on a normal day with your fitness.  Do 20 extra push ups, 50 extra lunges, run .5-1 extra mile.. You can do it! Your body CAN handle it.. wanna know how I know this.. Because I've done it & did it this morning in my house.. I pushed my fitness level just a little bit more than I thought I could... Was it difficult Heck Yeah! but I did it. You can increase your success without pushing yourself! If you can't go outside, DO IT inside!

Always a touchy subject these days... Diets..DUN DUN DUUN!! You see them everywhere.. "Paleo, carb cycling, Atkins, South Beach Diet, Mediterranean, IF," & the list goes ON & ON & ON!!
You want to know what ALL of these diets have in common with one another...
« drum roll please » They ALL involve eating whole clean, unprocessed foods!! THE key here is to eliminate all processed foods from your diets, ingredients you don't recognize & stop eating them; everything else will fall into place!!
It's taking things back to basics, it's just are you ready to fully commit to that challenge!! It isn't meant to be easy, that's why it's called a struggle/challenge; although things worth fighting for are worth the fight in the end!! ALWAYS :)

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